Our Mission

We like to call ourselves data cyberneticians - a combination of data science and cybernetics. The term cybernetics refers to the transdisciplinary approach for exploring regulatory systems. It is this combination of data science - creating insight - and cybernetics - applying these insights to achieve a desired effect - that our approach to problem-solving.

Data cybernetics is a partnership of practitioners with a scientific background and years of experience in the of software engineering, scientific computing, machine learning and statistics. We have been software and data engineers/scientists for most of our careers and offer hands on, practical and efficient consulting services and implementations.

We are true to our mission and are part of a consortium funded by the Federal Ministry of Education & Research of Germany to develop a Quantum Computer: Rymax-One Quantum Optimizer (13N1641).

Contact us please

Let us discuss in which area we can support you with. We are an AI company in disguise, offering solid support in your digitalization, IoT and quantum computing efforts.

Tel: 08191 33 11 851 - Fax: 08191 33 11 853
Email: contactus@data-cybernetics.com

Investor Relations

We are building up a tech firm with its own product portfolio. We are investigating quantum computing and applications of energy flexibility, which we have extensive experience of and believe that it will be an integral part of the European Energy Transition, albeit not being supported enough. Our internal software is developed to steer a VPP of battery storages, with an automated state of energy management.

On quantum computing, we are building a quantum simulator together with our collaborators and learning intensively the challenges, while having a clear picture of the advantages that quantum computing can bring. Our own analysis has so far shown, that investment in the current financial setup of data cybernetics is at the moment not favorable.

We are open to discussions with investors. If you are interested, please contact us!